About Me.
I am a Certified Core Clearing Breathwork Coach, RTT Practitioner and Clinical Psychologist.
But more importantly, I am a Wife and Mum to 4 kids
(+ a dog, cat and 4 guinea pigs!).
I am also running my own business, and have the multiple demands that midlife throws up as well!
This all adds up to a pretty chaotic, busy, but fun life! .
For the past 14 years I worked as a Clinical Psychologist both in the university sector and in my own practice.
During that time I discovered that talk therapy is not a great fit for everyone, can take a long time and is less focused on healing emotions on a ‘deeper’, lasting level.
We spend so much time focusing on changing our thinking, when we actually need to focus on healing and processing our emotions as well.
And it was this realisation which kept coming up in my work with clients, that led me to seek other ways of working with people, to heal subconscious beliefs and heal and process their unfelt emotions.
And this led me to training, over the past 4 years in Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), and then most recently in Core Clearing Breathwork.
What Can You Expect When You Work With Me?
Everybody’s experience of Breathwork and Coaching is different and results will vary based on your starting point and what you want to work on and change.
And it is my belief that you only get out of anything as much as you put in.
But it is my hope that when you walk away from working with me, whether that is 1 month or 6, that you have healed emotional wounds, shifted subconscious beliefs that are not supporting you and gained some practical tools to navigate midlife with ease, acceptance and grace.
That you will have grown personally and spiritually and have learned some things about yourself that can help you to feel vital, energised and confident in your life going forward.